Via Darwin 19 20090 Trezzano S/N Milano - Italy


A Series

Rotary unions for high speed, coolant, mql, air, and dry run Rotoflux

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The rotary unions of the model A have been designed for machine tool spindles operating at high speeds with fluid (coolant, air, or MQL) passing through or for dry operation when needed. The balanced and microlapped seals remain closed and effective both during wet runs (with fluid) and dry runs (without fluid), ensuring long-lasting performance without issues.

Do not use the unions at max application limits without consulting ROTOFLUX.

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Lubrorefrigerante - Coolant - Kühlschmiermittel - Liquido Frigeradordo
(A08) 100 bar/1450 PSI
40 bar/580 PSI
60 μ (MAX 100)
Aria - Air - Luft - Aire
100 bar/145 PSI
30 μ (MAX 100)
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Select the product code to request information.



Select the product code to request information.


Ordering codeLubrorefrigerante - Rotazione a secco Kühlschmiermittel - TrockenlaufCoolant - Dry run Fluido refrigerante - Rotaciones en seco
ABø DEø F1ø F2ø GHKILø PQUø VZKg60μ (max 100)
A08-1501-04RM16 X 1,5 RHG 1/4" Radial5913434.424.517-1666184.53538410.3
A08-1501-05LM16 X 1,5 LH
A10-1701-04RM16 X 1,5 RHG 3/8" Radial9110434424.517-1682184.543.647.553.50.5
A10-1701-05LM16 X 1,5 LH
A08-1502-04RM16 X 1,5 RHG 1/4" Axial51083434.424.517301692184.53538410.3
A08-1502-05LM16 X 1,5 LH
A10-1702-04RM16 X 1,5 RHG 3/8" Axial9125434424.5172416109184.543.647.553.50.5
A10-1702-05LM16 X 1,5 LH
Ordering codeLubrorefrigerante - Rotazione a secco - Aria - MQL Kühlschmiermittel - Trockenlauf - Luft - MMS Coolant - Dry run - Air - MQL Fluido refrigerante - Rotaciones en seco - Aire - MQL
ABø DE1ø F1ø F2ø GHKILø PQUø VZKg30μ (max 60)
A08-1520-04RM16 X 1,5 RH G 1/4" Radial5913434.424.517-1666184.53538410.3
A08-1520-05LM16 X 1,5 LH
A10-1720-04RM16 X 1,5 RH G 3/8" Radial9110434424.517-1682184.543.647.553.50.5
A10-1720-05LM16 X 1,5 LH
A08-1522-04RM16 X 1,5 RH G 1/4" Axial51083434.424.517301692184.53538410.3
A08-1522-05LM16 X 1,5 LH
A10-1722-04RM16 X 1,5 RH G 3/8" Axial9125434424.5172416109184.543.647.553.50.5
A10-1722-05LM16 X 1,5 LH