Via Darwin 19 20090 Trezzano S/N Milano - Italy


S Series

Large Capacity Rotary Unions Rotoflux

2 ½” ÷ 5”

The rotary unions ROTOFLUX S65, S80, S100 and S125, thanks to large free passages, are used when large fluid flows are needed. They are equipped with balanced, micro-lapped carbide seals against impregnated graphite. The special design of the seals allows to change, when needed, only the seal rings in order to minimize time and costs of maintenance.

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Acqua – Water – Wasser – Agua
10 bar/ 145 PSI95°C / 203°F750
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Ordering codeGiunti a un passaggio - Single passage unions – Einweg Drehdurchführungen - Juntas a vía simple
WaterABø DEø Fø Gø HIJLX1X2ø Y1Y2ZKg
S65-1300-01RG 2" 1/2 RHG 2"1/261350156908
S65-1300-02LG 2" 1/2 LH
S80-1300-01RG 3" RHG 3"7341218811010
S80-1300-02LG 3" LH
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Ordering codeGiunti a un passaggio - Single passage unions - Einweg Drehdurchführungen - Juntas a vía simple
WaterBø DEø FJLø Mø Nø P h7QRø SX1X2ø Y1Y2ZKg
S65-1300-03FG 2" 1/2623501566929013911080161413 6x60°4055124017818
S80-1300-03FG 3"7741218878337165135100211613 8x45°4566124021124
S100-1300-03FG 4"9850024094409215170120262018 8x45°5182184626150
S125-1300-03FG 5"120591282115481245200150312218 8x45°53100184130785
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Interfaccia cliente - Customer interface – Montageanweisungen - Montaje de la junta
ø D1ø N1ø P1 F8RAQ1 S1
S6562110800.415M12 6x60°
S80771351000.420M12 8x45°
S100981701200.425M16 8x45°
S1251202001500.430M16 8x45°
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Ordering codeGiunti due passaggi sifone fisso - Double passage stationary siphon unions - Zweiwege für stehendes Siphonrohr - Doble vía con sifón fijo
S65-1300-01R-800G 2" 1/2 RHG 1" 1/261416156908 6x60°32755523511827823G 1" 1/2G 1" 1/23855124016220
S65-1300-02L-800G 2" 1/2 LH
S80-1300-01R-800G 3" RHG 2"7348718811010 6x60°37907027913533130G 2"G 2"4566124019528
S80-1300-02L-800G 3" LH
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Ordering codeGiunti due passaggi sifone rotante - Double passage rotating siphon unions - Zweiwege für drehendes Siphonrohr - Doble vía con sifón rotativo
S65-1300-01R-810G 2" 1/2 RHG 1" 1/261416156908 6x60°3275552351182846045.7G 1" 1/23855124016220
S65-1300-02L-810G 2" 1/2 LH
S80-1300-01R-810G 3" RHG 2"7348718811010 6x60°3790702791353377057.7G 2"4566124019528
S80-1300-02L-810G 3" LH
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Ordering codeGiunti due passaggi sifone fisso - Double passage stationary siphon unions Zweiwege für stehendes Siphonrohr - Doble vía con sifón fijo
WaterBø DEø FJKLø Mø NOø P h7QRø STUVWX1X2ø Y1Y2ZKg
S65-1300-03F-800G 1" 1/262416156755525113911011880161413 6x60°29423G 1" 1/2G 1" 1/24055124017821
S80-1300-03F-800G 2"774871889070295165135135100211613 8x45°34730G 2"G 2"4566124021134
S100-1300-03F-800G 2" 1/29858924011078361215170155120262018 8x45°42135G 2" 1/2G 2" 1/25182184626160
S125-1300-03F-800G 3"12071828212078423245200210150312218 8x45°50845G 3"G 3"531001841307100
Select the product code to request information.
Ordering codeGiunti due passaggi sifone rotante - Double passage rotating siphon unions Zweiwege für drehendes Siphonrohr - Doble vía con sifón rotativo
WaterBø DEø FJKLø Mø NOø P h7QRø STUø V H9WX1X2ø Y1Y2ZKg
S65-1300-03F-810G 1" 1/262416156755525113911011880161413 6x60°3006045.7G 1" 1/24055124017821
S80-1300-03F-810G 2"774871889070295165135135100211613 8x45°3537057.7G 2"4566124021134
S100-1300-03F-810G 2" 1/29858924011078361215170155120262018 8x45°4308074.6G 2" 1/25182184626160
S125-1300-03F-810G 3"12071828212078423245200210150312218 8x45°51810087.6G 3"531001841307100
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Interfaccia cliente - Customer interface - Montageanweisungen - Montaje de la junta
ø D1ø N1ø P1 F8RAQ1S1
S6562110800.415M12 6x60°
S80771351000.420M12 8x45°
S100981701200.425M16 8x45°
S1251202001500.430M16 8x45°