Via Darwin 19 20090 Trezzano S/N Milano - Italy


Z Series

Rotary unions for continuous casting Rotoflux

¾ “÷ 1½ ”

The rotary unions of the model Z are specifically designed to be mounted inside the cylinders of the continuous casting line. The seals, made of carbide for dirty water service, are balanced, lapped, and set to withstand pressure peaks caused by steam bubbles or various types of impacts.

The springs, located out of the fluid flow, avoid deposits and scales.

Do not use the unions at max application limits without consulting ROTOFLUX.



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Acqua – Water – Wasser – Agua
10 bar / 145 PSI120°C / 248°F100
Select the product code to request information.
Ordering codeGiunti a un passaggio - Single passage unions - Einweg Drehdurchführungen - Juntas a vía simple
D sealBø DEFGHIJLø Mø Nø OKg
Z20-1307-60ZG 3/4"50,1 - 50,2636019852287188719 4x90°1.5
Z25-1301-60ZG 1"71 - 71,1581781410504071108909 4x90°2.3
Z40-1301-60ZG 1" 1/2"71 - 71,159187.51410614590109929 4x90°4.5
Select the product code to request information.
Ordering codeGiunti due passaggi sifone fisso - Double passage stationary siphon – Zweiwege für stehendes Siphonrohr - Double vía con sifón fijo
D seal2 x Bø DEFGHIJLø Mø Nø OPQTø V h9Kg
Z20-1307-61Z-800G 3/4"50,1 - 50,2636019852407788719 4x90°518548132
Z25-1301-61Z-800G 3/4"71 - 71,1581781410474071108909 4x90°518564193
Z40-1301-61Z-800G 1"71 - 71,159187.51410544590109929 4x90°6410864285